

发布日期:2024/8/4 阅读量:106  来源于:  http://www.mylsfw.com/

文 | 张振安 上海市协力律师事务所高级合伙人


在世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)诉孙杨和国际泳联(WADA v. Sun Yang & FINA (CAS 2019/A/6148))一案中,WADA是申请人,中国国际游泳冠军孙杨和国际泳联是被申请人,而国际泳联在本案中支持孙杨。本案涉及孙杨在在其家中接受临时赛外检测时的不当行为,而WADA主张孙杨的行为构成违反《世界反兴奋剂条例》第2.5条规定干涉反兴奋剂检测的违规行为。本案中孙杨败诉,被禁赛8年,全世界一片哗然。





(More specifically, the Athlete failed to establish that he had a compelling justification to destroy his sample collection containers and forego the doping control when, in his opinion, the collection protocol was not in compliance with the ISTI. As the Panel noted, it is one thing, having provided a blood sample, to question the accreditation of the testing personnel while keeping the intact samples in the possession of the testing authorities; it is quite another thing, after lengthy exchanges and warnings as to the consequences, to act in such a way that results in destroying the sample containers, thereby eliminating any chance of testing the sample at a later stage.)











2018年9月4日晚上10时至11时,国际兴奋剂检测官理公司(IDTM)的三名兴奋剂检测官来到孙杨住宅对其进行例行赛外检测,对孙杨进行兴奋剂的血样和尿样取样。11时35分,孙杨接受了血检助理(Blood Collection Assistant, BCA)的抽血,血样试管放在安全容器中。


抽血过程中,孙杨认为尿检助理(Chaperone,Doping Control Assistant, DCA)进进出出,怀疑其用手机对其拍照、录视频,而且穿着短袖、短裤和拖鞋,怀疑其不是专业人士,便要求其出示证件,主检测官出示一张由检测机构国际泳联(FINA)向取样机构IDTM签发的通用2018年年度通用取样授权书(但该授权书上没有写明主检测官和孙杨的名字,也无血检助理和尿检助理的名字)、IDTM主检测官自己的工作卡,以及主检测官自己的身份证。而尿检助理仅出示其居民身份证,血检助理仅出示其护士资格证,而孙杨认为这并未载有本次任务,并非合法授权文件,因此拒绝其参与具体的检测过程,因此尿检取样无法进行。孙杨主张其可以等待其他有证的检测官的到来,但主检测官(Doping Control Officer, DCO)对此表示拒绝,并坚持要求立即采取尿样。








国际泳联主张孙杨违反兴奋剂检测的不当行为构成干涉反兴奋剂检测的违规行为,向国际泳联的内部专家组(FINA Doping Panel)提起裁决,孙杨胜诉。世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)对该裁决不服,依照《世界反兴奋剂条例》的有关规定向国际体育仲裁院(Court of Arbitration for Sport,CAS)提起上诉(appeal),全面重审(de novo)本案。最终孙杨败诉,被禁赛8年。







WADA的《国际检测和调查标准》(ISTI,International Standard for Testing and Investigations)中明确指出该标准是强制性(mandatory)标准。ISTI本身还有专门在血检方面的《ISTI血样取样指南》(Blood Sample Collection Guidelines),该指南并未明确指出其是强制性要求,只是指出该指南是ISTI的延伸并可促进通常做法的发展,而WADA官网则指出该指南只是推荐性的。



5.3 Requirements prior to notification of Athletes


5.3.2 The Sample Collection Authority shall appoint and authorise Sample Collection Personnel to conduct or assist with Sample Collection Sessions who have been trained for their assigned responsibilities, who do not have a conflict of interest in the outcome of the Sample collection, and who are not Minors. 


5.3.3 Sample Collection Personnel shall have official documentation, provided by the Sample Collection Authority, evidencing their authority to collect a Sample from the Athlete, such as an authorisation letter from the Testing Authority. DCOs shall also carry complementary identification which includes their name and photograph (i.e., identification card from the Sample Collection Authority, driver’s licence, health card, passport or similar valid identification) and the expiry date of the identification. 





5.3.3取样人员应具有取样机构提供的官方文件,例如来自检测机构的授权书,以证明其有权从运动员那里取样。主检测官(Doping Control Officer ,DCO)还应携带载有其姓名和照片以及该身份证明的有效期的补充身份证明(例如,来自取样机构的身份证明、驾驶执照、健康卡、护照或类似的有效身份证明)。



5.4.2 When contact is made, the DCO/Chaperone shall: 

b) Identify themselves to the Athlete using the documentation referred to in Article 5.3.3; and 




Annex E - Collection of Blood Samples

E.4 Requirements

E.4.1 Procedures involving blood shall be consistent with the local standards and regulatory requirements regarding precautions in healthcare settings where those standards and requirements exceed the requirements set out below;






Annex H - Sample Collection Personnel Requirements 

H.2 Scope

Sample Collection Personnel requirements start with the development of the necessary competencies for Sample Collection Personnel and end with the provision of identifiable accreditation.






2.5 Sample Collection Personnel 

Sample collection: 

•Conduct or assist with the Sample Collection Session.

•These individuals must:

-Be trained and authorized for their assigned responsibilities;

-Not have any conflict of interest in the outcome of the Sample collection; and

-Not be a Minor.















本案初审由国际泳联兴奋剂专家组(FINA Doping Panel)在2018年于瑞士洛桑进行庭审,本案三名兴奋剂检测官全部没有实际出庭作证。本案主检测官在中国以远程视频链接的方式出庭,而血检助理和尿检助理缺席。


控方主张运动员得到了适当的通知,IDTM兴奋剂检测官向孙杨出示的2018年国际泳联通用授权书就是其需要出示的所有证明文件,而血检助理和尿检助理与有授权的主检测官一起取样时并不需要提供任何额外的授权文件。ISTI第5.3条中的“取样人员”(Sample Collection Personnel)应作为一个整体看待,该整体只要获得取样机构的授权即可,而该条只对主检测官有其他要求,而对尿检助理和血检助理无其他要求。







专家组认为,ISTI中规定的授权和认证,以及具体执行的任务中的文件二者之间是截然不同的,前者是概括性的而后者则是具体的。在授权和认证方面,ISTI分别规定了主检测官、血检助理、陪同人员的定义,其职责各不相同,因此各人需要分别的总括授权和认证(The definitions of BCO, DCO and Chaperone contained in the ISTI make clear that the individual officials, each performing in a particular capacity, must be individually authorized by the Sample Collection Authority.)。附件H2指出检测机构需要给每名检测官提供单独的授权(Annex H.2 requires that the Sample Collection Authority must provide each of the officials who may in the future become Sample Collection Personnel “identifiable accreditation”.)


在检测官具体执行任务方面,ISTI第5.3.3条规定的是IDTM检测官从运动员取样时需要携带什么物品(ISTI Article 5.3.3 is very different. It deals with the specifics of an actual testing mission when a sample will be collected from an athlete. Article 5.3.3 addresses what the IDTM officials who, as a group, comprise the Sample Collection Personnel, must have with them at the testing mission when they are sent by IDTM to collect a sample from a specific athlete.)


该条中的“official documentation”应该理解为复数,每个检测官都需要有该文件,理由是根据上述的定义,每名检测官都需要有授权和认证(Article 5.3.3 refers to “official documentation” provided by the Sample Collection Authority (such as IDTM), “evidencing their Authority”. The word “their” clearly modifies Sample Collection Personnel. The ISTI definitions require that each individual official comprising the Sample Collection Personnel at a testing mission be previously “authorized” by IDTM to be in the IDTM ‘pool’. Further, each individual official will have been “appointed and authorized” by IDTM (pursuant to Article 5.3.2) and each individual official will have received “identifiable accreditation” from IDTM (pursuant to Annex H.2). Relying on this logical framework, the Doping Panel has concluded that “official documentation” from IDTM is needed to ‘evidence’ the authority of that individual official to collect a sample from the Athlete – and this documentation must be shown to the Athlete.)


而且,在每个案件中都需要提供这类文件,理由是“例如”(such as)是指一类可在一次检测中需要提供的文件,因此其中提到的“检测机构的授权书”并不是该类文件的全部,本还还需要国际泳联的授权书(The express reference in Article 5.3.3 to “such as an authorization letter from the Testing Authority” (emphasis added) is simply an example of the sort, class or type of “official documentation” that may be provided in a single testing scenario. The reference to an “authorization letter from the Testing Authority” is not an exhaustive list. It does not describe the totality of the official documentation that is required, in every testing scenario, to evidence the proper authorizations. In the present case, the FINA Letter of Authority is a needed and a necessary document to provide to the Athlete (as it demonstrates that IDTM is the delegated Sample Collection Authority), but it is not sufficient.)


此外,ISTI第5.4.2 (b)条明确提到“主检测官/陪同人员”,以及适用第5.3.3条的文件,这进一步说明在具体任务过程中每名检测官提供单独的授权和认证(In contrast, Article 5.4.2 (b) requires that the individual members of the Sample Collection Personnel – the DCO and/or the Chaperone, as applicable – “identify themselves”, which is a plural reference, using the “documentation referred to in Article 5.3.3”.)。


因此,本案中的由检测机构国际泳联向取样机构IDTM签发的概括的2018年年度取样授权书,并不能满足ISTI的规定要求。至少,取样机构的“官方文件”必须给出“证据”以证明取样机构、相关取样官、以及对运动员取样的任务之间存在明确的联系(At a minimum, the “official documentation” from the Sample Collection Authority must provide “evidence” of a clear link between the Sample Collection Authority, the official involved and the testing mission being undertaken where the athlete will provide a sample.)。



专家组认为,尿检助理的行为非常不当且不专业,该行为毫无疑问是立即中止尿检助理参与检测任务的理由。在没有其他男性尿检助理承担此职务的情况下,必须放弃尿样取样的任务。该等情形一经确立,便成为运动员拒绝与尿检助理进行任何进一步个人和敏感接触的有力理由。(This conduct on the part of the DCA is highly improper and extremely unprofessional. This should never happen. Chaperoning an athlete is a sensitive, personal and serious matter. It is not for ‘fans’. The Athlete was initially suspicious and eventually discovered that there were photos of him on the DCA’s phone. The pictures were deleted. Proof of this conduct by a DCA prior to the Athlete providing a chaperoned urine sample is unquestionably reason to immediately suspend the DCA’s involvement in the testing mission. With no other male DCA’s to perform this role – the mission with regard to urine collection must be abandoned. Such facts, once established, are a compelling justification for the Athlete to refuse to have any further personal and sensitive contact with the DCA.)



ISTI附件E中要求血样取样人必须具备“适当合资质”(blood be collected by “a suitably qualified person”)。附件E第4条规定:“涉及血液的程序应与当地符合医疗保健中的预防措施标准和法规要求相一致,如果这些标准和要求超过以下规定的要求”(Procedures involving blood shall be consistent with the local standards and regulatory requirements regarding precautions in healthcare settings where those standards and requirements exceed the requirements set out below)。


在血检助理成功抽取运动员血液时,其是否知道医疗操作程序并不是问题,而这点上其并无问题;相反,真正的问题在于血检助理(i)是否具有在该地区合法采血的适当资格,并且(ii)是否向运动员出示了该有效资格的文件?(As the BCA drew the Athlete’s blood successfully on September 4, 2018, whether she knew how to do the medical procedure is not the issue. She apparently did it well. Rather, the issue is whether she (i) had proper qualifications to legally draw blood in that locality, and (ii) did she present documentation regarding her valid qualifications to the Athlete?)在该案中血检助理承认了运动员方的记载,没有举证说明自己具有护士执业证。









WADA对于国际泳联的仲裁结果表示不服,于2019年1月30日依照WADC第13.2.3条将此案上诉至国际体育仲裁院(Court of Arbitration for Sport,CAS),并依照WADC第10.7条主张孙杨在2004年期间有3个月的反兴奋剂处罚,因此对孙杨从重处罚,处以2到8年的禁赛。


















在此前提下,当时的兴奋剂检测官小组明显违反了《ISTI血样取样指南》中的严格程序义务,其中明确规定了“These individuals”,而在本案中三名检测官中有两名没有授权,因此,因此本案的样本取样程序违规,孙杨其有权拒绝非法取样。就血检而言,在血检助理没有IDTM资质正式授权,只持有护士资格证,并不持有护士执业证,违反中国《护士条例》、《护士执业资格考试办法》,以及中国《反兴奋剂条例》和《体育运动中兴奋剂管制通则》,因此其取样的血样不得被带走进行检测,孙杨拒绝其带走血检取样的行为不构成违规。就尿检而言,尿检助理未经许可就拍摄孙杨照片及视频的行为十分不合适,而且其只有身份证,没有其他证件,孙杨有权拒绝这样的尿检。









(1)针对ISTI方面的主张,WADA主张ISTI第5.3条中的“取样人员”(Sample Collection Personnel)应作为一个整体看待,该整体只要获得取样机构的授权即可,而该条只对主检测官有其他要求,而对尿检助理和血检助理无其他要求。


(2)针对《ISTI血样取样指南》方面的主张WADA主张,ISTI具有强制性,但是《ISTI血样取样指南》不具有强制性或法律拘束力,该指南与具有强制力的WADC或ISTI不同,只是推荐做法,是示范准则不是强制性的规定。由于WADA自己不进行检测,而反兴奋剂检测在操作上主要是由国家反兴奋剂组织完成的,外包给了瑞典的IDTM。IDTM的检测官在检测过程中即便违反了《ISTI血样取样指南》,但只要没有违反ISTI,那么其手续也是合法的。对此,WADA的专家证人是WADA标准统一处副处长(WADA Deputy Director on Standards & Harmonization)Stuart Kemp,他是编纂ISTI的工作人员证明了规则制订原意为以上所述几点,即该指南只是技术性指引,并无强制力。






《世界反兴奋剂条例》(World Anti-Doping Code,WADC)第2.3条规定, “逃避或拒绝或未能接受有授权的兴奋剂检测,若‘无强迫性理由’(compelling justification),则构成一种违反兴奋剂检测规定的违规行为。


2.3 Evading, Refusing or Failing to Submit to Sample Collection Evading Sample collection, or without compelling justification, refusing or failing to submit to Sample collection after notification as authorized in applicable anti-doping rules.


2.3 逃避、拒绝或未完成样本取样的行为逃避样本取样,或在接到依照反兴奋剂规则授权的检查通知后,拒绝样本取样、无正当理由未能完成样本取样或者其他逃避样本取样的行为。








此外,WADA援引Laura Dutra de Abreu Mancini de Azevedo v FINA, CAS 2005/A/925,一案,在该案中专家组给出的这方面的原则是“毫无疑问,我们认为反兴奋剂测试和兴奋剂检测规则的逻辑要求并期望,无论在身体上、卫生上还是道德上,只要存在可能,即使运动员有异议也必须提供取样。否则,运动员将可以系统性地以任何理由拒绝提供取样,使检测丧失可能。”(No doubt, we are of the view that the logic of the anti-doping tests and the doping control rules demands and expects that, whenever physically, hygienically and morally possible, the sample should be provided despite objections by the athlete. If that does not occur, Athletes would systematically refuse to provide samples for whatever reasons, leaving no opportunity for testing.)。
























WADA主张,孙杨作为一个经过多次反兴奋剂培训的资深运动员,且已经受到过反兴奋剂的禁赛处分,认为这种情况下他可以基于信赖利益保护而取回血样这点是不合理的。不仅如此,WADA主张,反兴奋剂制度适用严格责任,即使运动员善意诚信(good faith)地依赖于其队医,最终还是由运动员自己来承担责任。而且孙杨之前的禁赛就是由于其队医建议其服用心脏病治疗药物导致的。






























6.29 The Athlete (and every athlete) is held strictly accountable to the provisions in the World Anti-Doping Code and the FINA DC. The Doping Panel must insist that IDTM and FINA also strictly comply with the requirements in the ISTI. The Doping Panel rejects any argument or claim that the deficiencies in the notification procedure which it has identified are minor, do not impact the integrity of the blood sample that was collected and should not serve to invalidate an entire testing mission – especially when held up against the troubling and rather aggressive ‘self-help’ conduct of the Athlete and his entourage.


6.30 ISTI所包含的通知程序属于对运动员行使管辖权的核心内容,因此ISTI才拥有对于运动员施加沉重义务和处罚的权力。通知是必须正确完成的事情。通知是进入繁重的义务和责任领域的“参道”,使得义务和责任落在运动员身上。国际泳联兴奋剂专家组坚持认为,国际泳联成员必须明确知晓接受检查的人员是谁,并且参加取样手续的每位检测官均已得到取样机构的适当培训、任命和授权。在本案中运动员确实选择就对已经取得的血样采取了非常令人不快的行为(将在下面进行处理),这一事实并不能消除IDTM和国际泳联遵守ISTI规定的要求。


6.30 Notification processes contained in the ISTI go to the very heart of assuming jurisdiction over an athlete and thereby acquiring the authority to impose onerous obligations and penalties. Notification is something that must be done correctly. Notification is the ‘gateway’ into a realm of onerous obligations and responsibilities – all falling on an athlete. The FINA Doping Panel insists that FINA members must know with certainty under whose authority they are being tested and that every official attending at the sample collection session has been properly trained, appointed and authorized by the Sample Collection Authority. The fact that the Athlete in this instance did elect to engage in very troubling conduct regarding the collected blood samples (which will be addressed below) does not serve to eliminate the requirements resting on IDTM and FINA to comply with the provisions contained in the ISTI.




6.31 While the DCO had proper documentation evidencing her authority from IDTM, the total absence of any official documentation from IDTM in the hands of the DCA and the BCA is not acceptable. The Doping Panel is not prepared to dictate what form the “official documentation” evidencing the needed “authority” should take. That is up to each Sample Collection Authority to determine. There will not be a single correct way to proceed.




6.32 The Doping Panel is mindful that appointing Chaperones present a unique situation. Chaperones (or DCAs) are often recruited, selected, trained and then authorized by a DCO at the actual event where they are needed. However, they must be trained prior to playing any role at a testing mission. This need not cause a problem. They can be considered very recent additions into the Sample Collection Authority’s ‘pool’ of properly accredited and authorized officials. This is entirely proper. The DCO is, of course, acting on behalf of the Sample Collection Authority when the DCO selects and trains the Chaperone. In this capacity, as an agent for the Sample Collection Authority, the DCO can easily provide the “official documentation” from the Sample Collection Authority to evidence the Chaperone’s training and authority to attend at the Sample Collection Session and act in a particular capacity. This documentation must then be shown to the athlete who is asked to provide a sample. 


(2)正确做法是运动员应当服从检测人员的指示然后事后提出异议 — 兴奋剂检测的根本风险点


国际泳联反兴奋剂专家组指出,因为怀疑检测手续存在疑点就拒绝检测去赌日后进行裁判会胜诉是很危险的做法。(Avoiding an anti-doping rule violation in this matter should not be equated with the Doping Panel condoning such a strategy in future situations. While ultimately successful, it was a close-run thing.)


在本案中孙杨是否会胜诉完全取决于专家组对需要提供什么“official documentation”的理解,而他用自己的运动员生涯去进行这样一场豪赌(The Athlete’s success ultimately hinged on the Doping Panel’s interpretation of what “official documentation” was required to be provided by the Sample Collection Authority. The Athlete’s entire athletic career hung in the balance – on what amounted to, essentially, a gamble that the Athlete’s assessment of the complex situation would prevail. That strikes the Doping Panel as foolish in the extreme.)。


“更谨慎的做法是即使受检运动员对兴奋剂检测官有抗议,在任何时候该运动员都应当服从兴奋剂检测官的指示并接受取样,在随后该运动员则可提出各种形式的投诉和评论,而非冒任何可能违规的风险。当问题复杂且存在争议时,将自己的运动员生涯押注去赌自己做的事是正确的,则是一场巨大而愚蠢的赌博”(As many CAS awards have stated, it is far more prudent to comply with the directions of a DCO and provide a sample in every case, even if provided “under protest.” Subsequently, all manner of complaints and comments can be filed, rather than risk any chance of an asserted violation when an aspect of the doping control process becomes a concern. Staking an entire athletic career on being correct when the issue is complex and contentious is a huge and foolish gamble.)。








一审裁决6.50到6.53指出,ISTI在附件A第3.3条中明确指出,主检测官仅仅解释某些行为可能导致违规的风险还不够,主检测官必须以运动员能理解的语言告知其不遵守的后果,主检测官必须更进一步且清楚表明其将运动员的行为视为不遵守行为,并且将产生什么后果(Explaining the risks that certain conduct might lead to a violation is not sufficient. The DCO must go further and clearly articulate that she is treating the Athlete’s conduct as a Failure to Comply and that the following consequences will apply.)。


而在本案中,孙杨以及每位在场证人均作证证明主检测官从未告知其会发生什么后果。在当时两组人员关于规定的解释的争论过程中主检测官都只是表明某些行为可能构成违规,而孙杨当即拒绝了这种观点。而在整个过程中也无法证明存在任何时刻保证孙杨明确知道主检测官将其行为立刻视为违规,并必将造成严重后果(There was no clarifying and crystalizing moment (a metaphorical “bang”) ensuring that the Athlete clearly knew, in the face of the identified conduct, that his conduct was being treated by the DCO as a Failure to Comply and that serious consequences would apply.)。很多机构的做法是采取拒绝表格(Refusal Form),让当事人签署,以说明运动员明知构成违反规则并将承担后果,但是本案并非这样。本案孙杨认为当天他们说服并劝退了检测官一行人,因此并无法证明检测官尽到了说明义务。


本案在一审过程中在这个问题上双方各执一词。双方都承认之间有过争执。之后,主检测官的说法是,IDTM总部的官员用英语告诉她,说她应(should)清楚告诉孙杨不让她带走血样进行化验的后果,而其已经当场转告给了孙杨(The advice provided to the DCO by Tudor Popa, speaking in English, was that the DCO should tell the Athlete very clearly the consequences for refusing to allow the collected blood to be taken away to be analysed. Refusal instructions were provided by Tudor Popa to the DCO. The DCO claims that she communicated the refusal instructions to the Athlete and to others who were at the doping control station.),


而且后来也讨论了几种解释,但是孙杨这方不接受,而是说要毁坏容器取出血样。她解释说若孙杨这么做则可能(could)导致违反反兴奋剂规则(The DCO repeated many times that this proposed course of conduct (to destroy the collected blood sample) could result in anti-doping rule violations.)


她又去和IDTM总部联系的时候听到玻璃碎掉的声音,她走出去发现孙杨和保安把容器毁坏了。此时由于这么做血样已经无效而不能被带走化验,主检测官打算起草一份兴奋剂检测表来记录当时发生的事情,而该表被孙杨一把夺走并撕毁了。主检测官再次告诉孙杨这样做是不合适并且可能(could)导致违反反兴奋剂规则(When it was apparent that the collected blood samples had been damaged and could not be taken away by the DCO to be analysed, the DCO attempted to create a paper version of the doping control form to record the events that had transpired. This was suddenly taken by the Athlete without permission and destroyed. Once again, the DCO told the Athlete that such conduct was improper and could result in an anti-doping rule violation.)


最终,IDTM的官员建议主检测官安全结束本次检测,并把当场发生的情况按照原样详细记录在案,做好批注并附带相片(Eventually, Mr. Popas advice to the DCO was to end the testing mission safely and to document in detail, with notes and photographs, exactly what had happened at the doping control station.)


队医巴震手写了一份当晚发生情况的情况说明,三位检测官都把该说明当作补充报告的一种形式。而IDTM会训练其主检测官签署并确认在兴奋剂检测表上所作的评论,其受过这种培训,而所有检测官都签署了该文件(Dr. Ba prepared his version of what had happened during the evening and presented these comments to the DCO on a separate document. The DCO, the DCA and the BCA treated this document as a form of Supplementary Report. IDTM trains its DCOs to sign and acknowledge the comments made on a doping control form in every case. This training was followed and the testing team all signed the document that had been prepared by Dr. Ba.)。


孙杨一方的说法则是,当时主检测官拒绝等待其他新的有证的检测官到来,并且他们不愿让非法样本被带走化验,双方陷入僵局。此时队医巴震建议主检测官准备一份任务失败报告,主检测官拒绝,然后主检测官建议队医巴震自己写一份报告,说明当时发生了什么。(The Athlete insists that the DCO absolutely refused to countenance waiting for other officials to arrive – either from IDTM or the Chinese anti-doping agency (CHINADA). As the Athlete and his entourage were not prepared to let the collected blood samples be removed for analysis and no other solution was proposed that was going to protect the blood from being analysed, the parties were at an impasse. Dr. Ba then asked that the DCO prepare an Unsuccessful Attempt Report. The DCO refused. The DCO then invited Dr. Ba to write out a report himself to describe what had happened.)


队医巴震的摘要里面载明三名检测官没有与IDTM关联的证据,无法提供兴奋剂检测官的证书或任何其他相关权限,而尿检和血检都无法完成,已采集的血样无法取出。所有IDTM测试团队都签署了此文档,而孙杨主张他们签名都是自愿的,表明其完全接受并同意了文件内容(Dr. Ba wrote out by hand a summary of the events of the evening. He described the documents that were provided by the DCO, the DCA and the BCA. Dr. Ba claimed these officials were “unrelated personnel” (with no evidence of a link to IDTM) and could not provide Doping Control officer certification, or any other relevant authority. He concluded that “the urine test and the blood test cannot be completed. The blood sample that has been collected could not be taken away”. All the IDTM testing team signed this document. The Athlete claims that their signatures, freely given, is evidence that they fully accepted and agreed with the contents of the document prepared by Dr. Ba)。


孙杨主张主检测官告诉他“如果你能够拿走血液样本那请便。”当他问她如何从容器中拿出血样时,她告诉他“你自己办”。主检测官拒绝参与取出和处理该血样的任何工作。孙杨主张血检助理和尿检助理允许自由获取冷却箱以取出血样,队医巴震和孙杨的母亲也看到了这一点。主检测官旁观了这整个过程并不断向IDTM打电话,但没有对他们进行任何干预(The Athlete claims that the DCO told him that “if you are able to take away the blood sample, go ahead.” When the Athlete asked the DCO how to remove the blood from the secure container he was told “you find your way.” The DCO refused to take any part in removing and handling the collected blood samples, at any time. The Athlete claims the DCO and the BCA allowed him free access to the cool box to remove the collected blood samples. This was also seen by Dr. Ba and the Athlete’s mother. The DCO watched these proceedings and constantly placed calls to IDTM, but did not intervene in any way.)。


孙杨母亲要求保安将锤子带入处所,而该保安试图毁坏安全容器以取出血样但是失败了。孙杨母亲害怕血液可能溢出,让保安将容器带到室外去打碎,容器是孙杨和保安在外部庭院中打开的(The Athlete’s mother asked a guard to bring a hammer into the doping control station. A guard arrived with a hammer and tried to break the secure container to gain access to the collected blood in the doping control room. He failed. Afraid that blood might spill, Mrs. Yang instructed the guard to take the container outside the building and attempt to break the secure container out there. This was successfully done by the guard and the Athlete, in an exterior courtyard.)。


当血检助理拿出第二个安全容器时,主检测官拒绝对其作出处理,但想拍照,但被孙杨一方拒绝了(When the BCA took out the second secure container the DCO refused to handle it. She wanted to take pictures, which was refused.)。


孙杨主张,主检测官最终告诉队医巴震,他可以随身携带第二个血液容器,以及损坏了的容器中的血液,以及各种收集管和其他材料。此时,每个人都准备离开了(The Athlete claims that the DCO eventually told Dr. Ba that he could take the second blood container with him, as well as the blood from the damaged container and, in addition, various collection tubing and other materials. At this point everyone was preparing to leave and go their separate ways.)。


孙杨坚持认为,主检测官从未向他解释过,如果当晚最终没有收集到尿样和收集到的血样被破坏且不能检验,则这将违反《国际泳联反兴奋剂条例》的规定,并且会导致严重后果。相反,当晚上情况结束时,孙杨认为他和团队由于持续和强烈表达了其对于血检助理缺乏适当的授权而的关切,而主检测官勉强接受了这一点。因此,孙杨认为,由于取样手续不当,主检测官放弃了取样工作(The Athlete maintains that it was never explained to him by the DCO that if the evening ended with (i) no collected urine and (ii) with the collected blood samples destroyed and not suitable for analysis, this would be a breach of the FINA DC and would result in a violation and that certain serious consequences would result. To the contrary, when the evening ended the Athlete believed that the persistent and strongly articulated concerns he and others had raised about a lack of proper authorizations and the BCA’s lack of qualification had been grudgingly accepted by the DCO. The Athlete believed that the sample collection session had been abandoned by the DCO because of the various identified deficiencies.)。


当IDTM测试团队整理行李离开现场时,孙杨在桌子上看到了填写了一部分的兴奋剂检查表的纸质版。由于孙杨认为整个取样工作已被放弃,而他的个人信息仍在该表上,因此他拿了该表并将其销毁(When the IDTM testing team was packing up to leave the doping control station the Athlete saw the partially completed paper version of the doping control form on the table. As the Athlete believed the entire session had been abandoned and that his personal information was still on the doping control form, he took the form and destroyed it.)。


事后,由于他对取样手续的组织和进行方式非常关切,他于2018年9月6日致函国际泳联以表达他的关切(Because the Athlete was very concerned how the sample collection session had been organized and conducted, the Athlete pre-emptively wrote to FINA on September 6, 2018 to express his concerns.)。









然而,本质来而言,强迫性主张很难获得支持,而且非常罕见。其中一个著名的美国案例是United States Anti-Doping Agency v Jonathan Page, AAA No 77 190 16 09 JENF, 4 Feb 2009。在该案中Jonathan Page,一名自行车运动员,并未参加一场赛后立刻进行的兴奋剂检测,而其以“强迫性”胜诉的原因是他在赛中摔落赛道得了脑震荡,而且兴奋剂检测官并未通知他在赛后要被检查。






资质问题与是否可以完成检验无关,也并非任何人就都可以从事这方面的工作。在这个问题上,ISTI附件E中要求血样取样人必须具备“适当合资质”(blood be collected by “a suitably qualified person”)。附件E第4条规定:“涉及血液的程序应与当地符合医疗保健中的预防措施标准和法规要求相一致,如果这些标准和要求超过以下规定的要求”(Procedures involving blood shall be consistent with the local standards and regulatory requirements regarding precautions in healthcare settings where those standards and requirements exceed the requirements set out below)。而本案一审国际泳联专家组也同意,是否实际上具有相关的知识技能是一回事,是否具备相关的证照又是另一回事。血检助理需要具备当地的合法采血的适当资格,并且向运动员出示该资格文件。





















这其中特别有问题的一点在于,WADA自身缺乏监督,而且这种程序造成的后果一方面是程序的迟延,而且不能排除WADA有选择性执法的可能;另一方面在于WADA本身既是立法者又是控方,这明显违反法治和正当程序的基本要求,即任何人不得作为其自己的法官(nemo iudex in causa sua, or “no man a judge in his own cause” )。





由于本案当事人对仲裁程序表示满意,因此依照《瑞士国际私法典》(PILA)第190条和第191条向瑞士最高法院申请撤裁,可能涉及的上诉问题的主要的论点在于之前提到过的违反公共秩序问题,以及证人未出庭作证以及其他证据瑕疵方面的问题。此外,还有一个问题在于WADA较晚才提交上诉状,而这也是潜在的一个有利的小点。Richard Young之前作为WADA的工作人员,在孙杨案出现后专职为WADA起诉孙杨,2019年2月份他从FINA辞职之后逾期提交WADA的上诉状这点似乎也可以主张。




本案以前也出现过类似的案例,如国际体育仲裁院B v FINA, CAS 98/211,案,由于爱尔兰时任著名游泳运动员世界冠军Michelle de Bruin在1998年在其家中的国际泳联进行兴奋剂检测时出现违规行为,国际泳联将其禁赛4年,而其对CAS案的裁决的上诉也败诉。


此外,瑞士最高法院在以公共政策撤销CAS裁决方面是相当苛刻的。例如在4P.148/2006案中,不考虑运动员过失的情况下出于为反兴奋剂检测规定而被禁赛2年并不违反公共秩序,即便运动员受到不公平待遇也不被认为是歧视。此外,最致命的一点在于,4A_18/2008案确定,即便是明显的法律适用错误,或者明显错误的事实认定,也不构成援引公共秩序进行撤裁的理由。然而,最高法院在4A_42/2007 案中指出认为,裁决因不符合公共政策而被撤销裁决,不仅是因为其原因违反公共政策,而且是因为其结果违反公共政策。因此最高法院将如何在本案背景下解释公共政策充满了未知数。


虽然如此,但是孙杨可向瑞士最高法院申请中止CAS仲裁裁决的执行,根据瑞士最高法院的操作,只有在特殊情况下才会同意批准中止仲裁裁决的执行,条件包括(1)裁决会造成严重且无法弥补的损害;(2)权衡利害关系方利益之后,结果倒向申请人有利;(3)对上诉进行表面上的(prima facie)审查,申请人胜诉可能性很大,有充分依据;(4)若CAS或被申请人未明示或默示反对裁决的中止执行。而本案一审二审结果不同,且禁止孙杨参加2020东京奥运会可能会对其产生严重且无法弥补的损害,以及其他一些因素,该申请有一定概率能获得成功,从而赢取时间和机会能够参加2020东京奥运会。然而,如果最终撤裁失败的话,即使孙杨参加2020东京奥运会获奖,其奖牌可能也会被剥夺。





首先,欧盟人权法院的确对瑞士最高法院的有关CAS的撤裁裁定有管辖权。Mutu and Pechstein v. Switzerland (Applications nos. 40575/10 and 67474/10)案确认了欧洲人权法院对瑞士最高法院针对CAS的撤裁的裁决的管辖权,但是在该案中涉及的主要争议点在于《欧洲人权公约》中的正当程序条款,即第6条公平审判权(Right to a fair trial)项下的CAS听证会不公开的问题,而在孙杨案中听证会是公开的,因此参照性不强。


而孙杨的主张可能主要也集中在第6条公平审判权上。在Erwin Bakker v. Switzerland (Applications nos. 7198/07)案则和孙杨案非常像,该案也是涉及申请人针对CAS对其作出兴奋剂再次违规而终身禁赛问题(4A_237/2010案)。申请人对裁决不服,向瑞士最高法院申请撤裁被驳回,最终在欧洲人权法院针对瑞士最高法院的裁定进行起诉,但最终被驳回。申请人的撤裁理由在于其在仲裁过程中无某些证据,具体来说是一份实验室报告,他只收到该报告的摘要而不是全文。






不过,孙杨可能也会主张瑞士最高法院维持这种操作等同于瑞士该国纵容检测官侵犯其本身和其他运动员的第8条尊重隐私和家庭生活权(Right to respect for private and family life)。这一论点是否站得住脚仍值得进一步研究,但若该主张成功,则可能会是国际人权法和国际体育法两个领域中的一次大变革,但孙杨单纯寄希望于此则较不现实。



此外,还存在一种可能,即孙杨在国内法院起诉WADA和检测官。2019年7月时,英超球星Mamadou Sakho就起诉WADA,主张WADA因为一次兴奋剂检测的错误毁了他在利物浦的足球职业生涯,索赔1300万英镑。里约奥运会之前,也有三名俄罗斯自行车选手起诉WADA和检测官,主张其检测有误导致其丧失里约奥运会参赛权。
















然而,CAS到底如何处理ISTI的第5.4.2条规定的the DCO/Chaperone这点,将其论证为“取样人员(Sample Collection Personnel)应作为一个整体看待”这点仍有疑虑。


最后,用一句国际泳联专家组的原话来总结本案——“这是让该运动员清醒的一课”(That should be a sobering lesson to the Athlete.)。







Lausanne, 28 February 2020 - The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has upheld the appeal filed by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) against the Chinese swimmer Sun Yang and the Fédération Internationale de Natation (FINA). As a consequence, Sun Yang (the Athlete) is sanctioned with an eight-year period of ineligibility, starting on the date of the CAS award. 洛桑,2020年2月28日 -体育仲裁院(The Court of Arbitration for Sport CAS)支持了世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)提出的针对中国游泳运动员孙杨和国际泳联(the Fédération Internationale de Natation)的上诉。因此,从CAS裁决作出之日起,对孙扬(运动员)判处以八年禁赛期。


Following a conflictual anti-doping test at the residence of Sun Yang in September 2018 which resulted in the testing not being completed, the matter was initially referred to the FINA Doping Panel (FINA DP) which found that the International Standard for Testing and Investigations (ISTI), the protocol adopted by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) for the conduct of doping controls, had not been properly followed. Therefore, the FINA DP invalidated the sample collection. As a consequence, the FINA DP determined that the athlete had not committed an anti-doping rule violation. 在2018年9月在孙杨住所进行了一次反兴奋剂测试,期间发生冲突,导致检测未完成,此事最初提交给了国际泳联兴奋剂专家组(FINA DP),该专家组认定世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)采纳的兴奋剂控制的手续——国际检测和调查标准(ISTI)并未得到适当遵循。因此,FINA DP宣告采集的样本无效。结果导致FINA DP认定该运动员没有违反反兴奋剂规则。


WADA filed an appeal at CAS against that decision, asserting that Sun Yang had voluntarily refused to submit to sample collection and requesting that a period of ineligibility between a minimum 2 years and maximum 8 years be imposed on him. WADA向CAS提出上诉以反对该决定,主张孙杨自愿拒绝接受取样,并要求对其处以最少2年最多8年的禁赛期。


The arbitration on appeal was referred to a panel of CAS arbitrators, composed of Judge Franco Frattini (Italy), President, Mr Romano F. Subiotto QC (Belgium/UK) and Prof. Philippe Sands QC (UK), which held a hearing on 15 November 2019. Further to the parties’ request, the hearing was conducted in public. 上诉仲裁交由CAS仲裁员专家组进行,该专家组由Franco Frattini法官(意大利)作为主席,以及Romano F. Subiotto先生(比利时/英国)和Philippe Sands教授(英国)组成,听证会于2019年11月15日举行。应当事各方的要求,该听证会公开进行。


The CAS Panel unanimously determined, to its comfortable satisfaction, that the Athlete violated Article 2.5 FINA DC (Tampering with any part of Doping Control). In particular, the Panel found that the personnel in charge of the doping control complied with all applicable requirements as set out in the ISTI. More specifically, the Athlete failed to establish that he had a compelling justification to destroy his sample collection containers and forego the doping control when, in his opinion, the collection protocol was not in compliance with the ISTI. As the Panel noted, it is one thing, having provided a blood sample, to question the accreditation of the testing personnel while keeping the intact samples in the possession of the testing authorities; it is quite another thing, after lengthy exchanges and warnings as to the consequences, to act in such a way that results in destroying the sample containers, thereby eliminating any chance of testing the sample at a later stage. CAS专家组一致适当认为,该运动员违反《国际泳联反兴奋剂规则》第2.5条(干涉兴奋剂检查的任何部分)。专家组特别认定负责兴奋剂检查的人员遵守了ISTI所规定的所有适用要求。更具体而言,该运动员未能确立其有令人信服的理由来毁坏其取样容器,而且在他认为取样手续不符合ISTI的情况下放弃了兴奋剂检查。专家组指出,进行血检后对检测人员的资质提出质疑,而同时将完整的血检样品保留在手中是一件事;在针对后果进行长时间的交流和警告之后,采取另一种方式行事而导致样品容器的毁坏,从而消除了以后再测试样品的任何机会,则是另一回事。


Considering that, in June 2014, the Athlete was found guilty of a first anti-doping rule violation (ADRV), the Panel concluded that, in accordance with Article 10.7.1 FINA DC, an eight-year period of ineligibility, starting on the date of the CAS award, has to be imposed on the Athlete for this second ADRV. 考虑到该运动员于2014年6月被裁定首次违反反兴奋剂规则(ADRV),专家组裁定,根据《国际泳联反兴奋剂规则》第10.7.1条的规定,对于第二项ADRV而言,从作出CAS裁决之日起,对运动员处以八年禁赛期。


Considering 1) that FINA refrained from seeking the imposition of a provisional suspension on the Athlete when charging him with an anti-doping rule violation, 2) that doping tests performed on the Athlete shortly before and after the aborted doping control in September 2018 were negative, and 3) that in the absence of any evidence that the Athlete may have engaged in doping activity since 4 September 2018, including on the occasion of the FINA World Championships in Gwangju, South Korea in July 2019, the results achieved by the Athlete in the period prior to the CAS award being issued should not be disqualified. 考虑到1)国际泳联在指控该运动员违反反兴奋剂规则时不要求对运动员实施临时停赛,2)2018年9月中止的兴奋剂检查前后不久对运动员进行的兴奋剂检查均为阴性,3)在没有任何证据表明该运动员自2018年9月4日以来(包括在2019年7月于韩国光州举行的国际泳联世界锦标赛之际)可能从事过兴奋剂活动的情况下,该运动员在本CAS裁决作出之前取得的成绩不应被取消。


The Arbitral Award will be published on the CAS website in a few days, unless the parties agree that it should remain confidential.除非双方同意对仲裁裁决保密,否则仲裁裁决将在几天后在CAS网站上发布。



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